Old-time sailing ships exploring new lands would occasionally find themselves stranded in the windless sea off the coast of Brazil. They could sit there for days, even weeks, baking in the tropic sun and nearing death by dehydration. Sometimes a local vessel would drift by and hear the appeals of the sailors for fresh water. The local seamen would then share an amazing realization: they were sitting at the mouth of the Amazon where it empties into the sea, a flow so mighty that it extends two hundred miles out into the Atlantic. The crew that was dying of thirst was actually adrift in fresh water!
How typical it is to go off in search of increased prosperity, only to become stranded or marooned. Spiritual Truth reveals that everything we seek is right where we are…that our pursuit of greater abundance is a way of traveling, not some magical destination. Dr. Ernest Holmes proclaimed, “It is the more abundant life that we all seek, and we have a right to experience it—right here, right now!”
The Bible also reminds us: “Let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take of the water of life freely.” I invite us to fill to overflowing the vessels of our consciousness with new ideas, greater enthusiasm, dedicated service, and joyous circulation of all that we are and have.
Let us drink from the waters of life with a true abundance consciousness…now!