Joseph Dumas tells the story of “Uncle George” who was well into his eighties. He was a self-made man who immigrated to our shores and made a great life for himself. Yet he was no stranger to misfortune. As a young man, his beloved bride was killed in a streetcar accident. He married some years later, and it was a beautifully happy marriage. At one time he battled with nervous disorders and tuberculosis, but overcame them both. Later on, he had two eye operations, but his spirit was undaunted. He gave his difficulties very little anxious energy and, instead, lived with deep joy and peace.
One time he was asked, “Uncle George, what would you say is the most important thing that you have learned in your long lifetime? Uncle George pondered the question for a moment, then replied: “What I’ve learned is God don’t owe me a darn thing!”
Many people get stuck in constant complaint…complaining that life isn’t fair, that they are not being supported or blessed. With this attitude, difficult experiences take on more power and the greater blessings are effectively blocked.
No matter how challenging things become, our lives are still filled with wonders and countless riches. When we realize this, what could the Divine owe us? Our path is to receive, celebrate and share the unlimited bounty of Life.