It was June 18, the Battle of Waterloo. The French, commanded by Napoleon, were fighting the British, commanded by Wellington. The people of England depended on flag-waving signals to get their news. A signal station flashed the message: “W-E-L-L-I-N-G-T-O-N- – -D-E-F-E-A-T-E-D- -.” Just at that moment one of those sudden English fogs moved in and no more could be read. News of the defeat spread quickly and everyone was dejected that their country had lost the war. Later in the day, the fog lifted and the whole message was received: “W-E-L-L-I-N-G-T-O-N- – -D-E-F-E-A-T-E-D- – -T-H-E- – -E-N-E-M-Y!” Dismal defeat was soon transformed into joy for the future.
There’s a lesson in this: All too often, mental fog of one kind or another interferes with our higher guidance. We’re apt to wander in confusion and illusion. Beware of the thickest inner fog banks: fear, pessimism, criticism, conformity, mediocrity, procrastination, and a stubborn attachment to things as they are. When it says in the Bible, “For now we see as through a glass darkly,” it is referring to this tendency to allow the higher possibilities in life to become obscured by our lesser perspectives.
A powerful future depends upon a clear and spiritually cultivated vision. God’s emerging Good is waiting to be welcomed into our awareness. It’s time to take off the blinders and allow the Inner Light to dissolve the fog. Then we’ll receive the true message of the Divine Spirit: “You are magnificent, loved, whole and creative. March forth into the newness and possibilities that have always been yours!”