Dr. Ernest Holmes, wrote:
The world is saturated with Divinity, immersed in Reality, and
filled with Possibility. We must take this Divine Possibility and
mold it into present Actuality in everyday experience. This is
the way to freedom, the pathway to peace and happiness.
Students of awakening are inevitably drawn to explore their expanded potential, their “greater-yet-to-be.” Something within knows that we don’t have to settle for drab living or for mediocrity. Deep fulfillment is not just a happier way to live; it is the avenue for bringing more of our potentiality into actuality and for bringing our best personal gifts to this world.
Are you on the pathway of your true fulfillment? Or is it time to reinvent your daily life so that it aligns more with your spirit…with your creativity, joy and values?
If your answer is “Yes!” remember that this is not just an exercise in “rearranging the furniture” of your life. It is about self-discovery, the fuller expression of your Real Self. William James points us in the best direction:
Seek out that particular mental attribute which makes you feel most
deeply and vitally alive, along with which comes the inner voice which
says, ‘This is the real me,’ and when you have found that attitude…
follow it.
May you follow your essence into the wondrous potential of your spiritual greatness!